Manipulating visual space
Music credit: Spellbound by Broke for Free
Unlike traditional video, panoramic footage requires the user to somehow interact with it if it is to reproduce the 3D environment in which it was captured. This usually takes place with a mouse or other traditional interface with the computer. While 2D touch surfaces such as tablets and smart phones provide a direct tangible way to control the video, what if the user was able to control the viewport of the video by controlling a 3D space with some type of gestures? This could provide a more engaging way to control the video works especially in an installation environment.
I currently do not have the programming expertise to create my own custom interfaces so I had to rely on some basic mouse simulation software to demonstrate a proof of concept. Ideally, a means of interaction would be custom designed to allow a more intuitive and seamless experience. This will be investigated further after the degree program is completed.