Testing ideas for large screen projection
I’ve become more aware and interested in patterns, rhythm and cycles that present themselves in timelapse and the manipulation thereof. Pulse is a sketch of a large scale projection that focuses on repetition and imposed pulsing. The three strips mirror the cycle of traffic lights and have been tinted to mimic this with each continued pulse revealing or hiding pieces of a larger image. The music reinforces this repetition and adds a mechanical/computer driven element.
Since the previous critique I’ve continued to experiment with the various technologies and techniques at my disposal. Until recently all shoots conducted with the 360 camera have been stationary due to the technical restrictions of the rig (i.e. being attached to a laptop and power source). Myself and a fellow researcher, Pranesh Lal, have conducted some moving camera shots with a ‘gator’ touring around the Wintec campus, and also mounting the camera to a car and shooting moving night footage. Moving footage is quite cool to play with!
I’ve also started looking at the various means of delivering final outputs. Initial tests look promising, and I hope to be able to produce several different moving image works for final presentation. I’m also beginning to see how these different techniques and looks may fuse together in final works.
Continued experimentation includes:
- Further experimentation with all devices and methods of capture
- Testing of projection ideas and possible multiscreen delivery via splitters and remote sync
- Sketching musical/sound ideas to accompany the imagery
- Observing various patterns and repetition that becomes more evident in timelapse sequences in both natural and man-made environments
- Observation of how light interacts with various spaces, surfaces, reflections, etc and how it changes throughout the day and seasons
- Testing compositing with 360 video layers in After Effects
Various timelapse test moves
Accompanying visual presentation can be viewed below.