What really happened that night.
What should have happened, and did with a little help from After Effects.
What really happened that night.
What should have happened, and did with a little help from After Effects.
First, and to date only, attempt at an astrophotography timelapse. Nearly 4 hours for a few usable seconds. My respect for Ron and Mark has increased tenfold. But still, it was definitely worth it.
Testing out Photoshop CS6 timeline functionality with some footage captured with the Gorilla Lapse.
Acting as a research assistant to a colleague, I conducted a sunrise to sunset 360 timelapse in front of the Wintec Marae for a different research project. Footage was then edited, color corrected and embedded into the Lucid player. The result can be interacted with above. The video file is quite large and could take some time to download.
Mindlapse was a 2 day timelapse recorded to document the installation of the art exhibit, Mindmap, on the Wintec wall in Hamilton. This illustrates how using extended timelapse can be used as a documentary tool for an installation, and also stand on it’s own as a work. This is the unofficial ‘director’s cut’ and not endorsed by the artist.